Friday, November 23, 2007

Latest Mobile Marketing Study by MMA

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has released the 3rd annual Mobile Attitude and Usage Study.

Among 1,405 consumers surveyed, 1 in 4 respondents are interested in mobile marketing and 1 out of 20 participated in mobile marketing campaigns. Moreover, 58% of the respondents utilize the camera phones compared to only 35% last year. Highlights of this study include:

  • Sweepstakes and voting campaigns are the most widely used types of mobile marketing.
  • Ethnic groups are key audiences for mobile marketing.
  • Teens and young adults use text messaging more than any other demographic.
  • 54% of 13-34 year olds use SMS for social networking, while 44% of 13-34 year olds said they use text messaging for flirting or dating, and 10% of 13-34 year olds said they have broken up with a boy or girl friend using text messaging.

Source: Mobile Weblog

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