Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gypsii Accredited by Nokia

Nokia has agreed to include Symbian version of the GyPSii to its N95 and 6110 Navigator mobile phones.

GyPSii integrates a wide range of location-specific functions and services into a single easy-to-use interface that works on GPS and non-GPS-enabled devices alike. These functions include user-generated content, friend finding and sharing, and also Point-of-Interest (POI) proximity search for immediate surroundings, maps and directions.

Designed specifically for use on a mobile phone, the GyPSii platform is already compatible with Windows Mobile devices and by adding Symbian and Nokia support, GyPSii is now available on the vast majority of mobile phones and almost any Internet connected device. GyPSii for Nokia and Windows Mobile is available for download at the company's website-

Source: 3G

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